Assisted Living Facility; Mease Manor was experiencing large cost increases in electricity and power usage. Vootu provided a detailed analysis of using an e-TRAQ energy monitor and getting real time electricity usage data.
Before vootu, Mease Manor was utilizing about 44,646 watts of power a day within their innovative retirement community housing over 350 residents. After vootu’s solutions were implemented, Mease Manor now uses about 23,190w of power a day, resulting in 21,452w eliminated. Close to 50% reduction in energy costs.
Dunedin, Florida
Assisted Living Facility
Before vootu, Mease Manor was utilizing about 44,646w of power a day within their innovative retirement community housing over 350 residents. After vootu’s solutions were implemented, Mease Manor now uses about 23,190w of power a day, resulting in 21,452w eliminated!
Project Cost: $33,421.97
Annual Savings: $19,954.41
Life Cycle Savings (5.7 years): $80,198.80
R.O.I.: 1.67 years
Project Completed By: Todd Howard