Are you considering a new business venture in 2022 and realizing the dream of taking control of your future? You may be overwhelmed by the thought of doing this alone or unsure which industry will deliver the financial rewards you seek. Vootu’s energy-saving business opportunity provides everything you will need to build your own successful business. We provide value for our clients and distributors. The Energy Saving Industry is in high demand as energy costs
How much money could an energy monitor save you?
Category: Energy Conservation, Energy Efficiency, Energy Monitoring
How much money could an energy monitor save you? An energy monitor alone can’t save you any energy – but it will make you aware of how much energy you are using and more importantly wasting. So it is a great tool to help you change your behavior and cut your electricity bills by turning off the things you were unaware of that increase your costs. With energy monitors, it becomes clearer what the true
Energy Management Systems
Category: Energy Conservation
Energy management systems are modern technologies that provide a detailed real-time insight into your electricity usage. Energy management software converts all of this insightful data into meaningful charts and graphs. Creating, a picture of how electricity is being used and also currently wasted. You can only save the electricity that you waste and energy management systems pinpoint each wasteful event. Informed decisions, can then be made to take action and improve all future energy usage.
Category: Energy Efficiency
Today world leaders agree that decarbonization is essential to combat the global warming crisis that we all face. Energy usage and our reliance on fossil fuels to produce the energy necessary to power our lives is at an all-time high. The most obvious way to reduce energy usage would be to focus on and eliminate energy waste. Electricity waste in commercial facilities is known to be 30% of total usage! Decarbonization starts by eliminating energy
When it comes to guaranteed electricity cost reduction, you can only save energy that you waste. Conservation and efficiency measures implemented correctly will certainly solve the problem of energy waste. Understanding where all that energy waste is hiding becomes a more challenging problem. You can’t manage what you can’t measure. The solution that will allow you to understand your energy usage and identify energy waste is E-TRAQ, Vootu’s real-time energy monitoring system. Collecting energy data in