E-TRAQ – The key that opens the door to Eliminate Energy waste and lower energy costs.
I hope you find the information contained in this paper both informative and helpful. Here at vootu we believe in sharing our knowledge to help those who have a desire to eliminate energy waste and improve building efficiencies. Our goal is always focused on reducing electricity usage with the least investment possible, often we can do this budget neutral. I really believe what I must share will be extremely beneficial to your organization.
Today more than at any other time we are constantly hearing negative reports about climate change, global warming and the dire consequences that will surely follow. Going green, saving energy and then transitioning to renewable, more sustainable energy sources are slowly becoming a reality, but integrating those technologies is still viewed as unaffordable or cannot be easily justified. In the meantime, what can be done?
Currently I see organizations trying to do their part to eliminate energy waste and conserve energy usage by doing seemingly simple upgrades such as LED lighting. But are these steps really saving them the maximum amount of money possible? In my experience, those savings often turn out to be not what they had hoped for, the reason is not a mystery, it is a simple fact known by energy managers yet overlooked by lighting companies and those unaware of electrical system performance or how the electric company bill you.
I have been involved in buildings my entire professional career both as an Architect and a developer and always have had a passion for acquiring greater knowledge relating to all building wide energy use and greater energy efficiency and performance. Conserving energy and operating efficiently have always been foremost in the building I’ve both designed and constructed.
For the past decade I have dedicate both my time and money to understand how all energy waste actually occurs, allowing me to develop new technologies that help make energy savings risk free and transparent. Unfortunately, while most people believe they are doing the right thing, they really do not know if its actually being effective or even how much energy savings are being achieved. Sadly, most are overlooking the most important aspect/tool of energy management, that is the ability in real time to always measure and verify absolutely everything.
It is long overdue for organizations to start and use technology currently available to realize the benefits they provide, which make saving energy predictable, verifiable and above all cost effective. Understanding the problems will eliminate any guesswork and guarantee those savings by having the ability to measure and verify energy activity and use in real time. Take away the mystery of energy usage and be able to spot those wasteful events, be alarmed to events when poor power quality starts to damage equipment and drive-up costs. Having this level of energy awareness builds the confidence to act, knowing you can track and verify all of your progress.
Your electric company no longer rely on outdated analogue meters to bill you, they have moved on to new technology, digital smart meters to bill far more accurately and monitor parameters that analogue meters were incapable of measuring. Rest assured that smart meter hanging on the wall is capable of charging for a lot more than its predecessor. Including the inefficient use of electricity, displayed as your power factor.
Investing any amount of money in the hope that electricity costs will come down without first having a real time energy monitor in place, will certainly only continue to run the risk of wasting more money!
Energy monitors expose all the hidden energy waste whatever time of day it takes place, they hold the utility accountable for providing electricity that meets the required standards. How many brown outs happen without you ever knowing? How many things are left running or turned on without anyone realizing. Do you have a phase imbalance or harmonic distortion problem? … You will never know any of this and more until real time visibility becomes part of your cost reduction strategy. At that time, you also will be able to see what I have been pointing out, its impossible to fix any problem if you do not know it is happening, electricity when made visible in real time puts you in control of your usage and costs.
How do you presently measure your progress, without guessing? Your electric bill is of little use!
The only answer is you start by laying a solid foundation to build success on, E-TRAQ, Vootu’s real time energy monitoring system, built from the ground up by vootu to be best in class and most affordable. It’s without a doubt the best use of money anyone can spend when it comes to saving energy and controlling all future energy usage. You have heard many times the saying you cannot manage what you cannot measure, so please consider taking a step forward and discussing with vootu the many benefits provided to you also, by installing E-TRAQ.
Those school districts we are currently working with, together with those we have already helped all agree, E-TRAQ makes effective energy savings possible, and the targets finally known.
Proving the many benefits provided by E-TRAQ requires an initial proof of concept install in just one school. Once you log into your new energy dashboard you will not fail to be impressed by the data now available anywhere and at any time. Tackling energy efficiency is all about working smarter not harder, and E-TRAQ is the smartest device necessary to understand all opportunities for improvement including usage, efficiency, power quality. E-TRAQ measures over 142 electrical values and presents each in easy-to-understand charts and graphs. Do you know if you have a bad power factor, are you being charged for this, if so E-TRAQ will identify the root cause of that problem, down to the equipment causing the PF issue?
Do not worry, you do not have to be an energy engineer to understand what all this data means, vootu will explain everything and even make our recommendations based on the data we analyze for you. This is all part of our energy services, we have the knowledge, technology and experience necessary to guarantee our results, but only when E-TRAQ is part of the solution.
It is time to make a small investment and get technology on your team, level the playing field with your utility company and start to understand what must be done to fix this long overdue problem of energy waste and hard to identify inefficiencies, both driving up your energy budgets year after year.
Without E-TRAQ your results will continue to be poor, your energy savings diluted and your R.O.I awfully long. You might even unknowingly be guided by other companies to invest in gadgets that do not deliver energy savings, that cannot happen when you have E-TRAQ policing energy usage, everything is recorded and measured, full transparency, no hiding the true facts any longer.
Do you have time to discuss this breakthrough in energy awareness and find out how simple it is to install, operate and start identifying those potential savings?
Over the past 30 years it has become obvious to me that no other energy investment can outperform E-TRAQ or deliver so much value all the time. To full optimize any energy upgrades you make, you need the added visibility of how electrical values react to those changes. E-TRAQ provides that data to allow you to always be using the least amount of energy, that must be priceless!
Someone a long time ago told me if you always use the right tool for the job, the jobs a whole lot easier and faster to accomplish. There is simply no better tool than E-TRAQ when it comes to electricity cost reduction. Do you have the necessary tools to take on this task?
For more information about Vootu, E-TRAQ and our energy saving services call us at 727 314 8656
Energy profiles highlight opportunities to eliminate energy waste and conserve electricity usage.
Verifying Power factor exposes inefficient uses of energy.