Energy Savings

Saving Energy

By September 9, 2020 No Comments
Saving Energy

Someone once told me saving energy was easy….just turn it off!

Well it’s true, turning things off conserves energy for use later when we really need it most and it also lowers our costs.

So why is it so hard for people to turn things off when they don’t need them?

One reason might be we never run out of power as we have an unlimited supply coming from the grid all of the time. If supply was limited, then conservation would be paramount, but it shouldn’t have to be this way! This mindset has to change.

The reality is we don’t have an unlimited amount of energy on planet earth, one day our natural resources will run out. Solar energy production is great whilst ever the sun shines, but what about overnight usage. Now we are looking at energy storage and having to be energy efficient and conserving all that we have , no wastage to be sure we won’t run out before sunrise can replenish our reserves.

Why should we have to wait any longer to become energy efficient and energy conscious of our usage each day?

The reality for those who investigate the many opportunities available today to reduce energy usage, will be lower costs, and more disposable income. Add in the environmental benefits you can be proud of and saving energy becomes a topic for today, not something to be concerned about in the future.

Every day you don’t take action, it’s costing you the earth… more ways than one!

Energy efficiency means using less but receiving the same, the only difference is in the lower cost of operations. So why then would anyone refuse to become energy efficient?

Cost is the number one objection, however this is a misinformed reason. It will cost no more to become energy efficient than it would to do nothing. The difference being when you embark on energy efficiency you work towards a point where the savings become disposable income permanently.

Energy waste happens whenever electricity is consumed in one form or another, unwanted heat from a light bulb is one form of waste. There exists today ways to improve the energy efficiency of all electrical equipment, the trick is to know how to calculate the savings accurately. Energy efficiency should not be a risky investment, in fact vootu provide guaranteed energy savings once a full and detailed energy analysis has been performed. With experience reducing energy usage becomes very predictable and always presents an extremely attractive investment.

Call vootu for a free initial consultation and to find out why our programs are always guaranteed. 727 314 8656