
Westgate Baptist Church Tampa – Goes GREEN

By October 10, 2020 No Comments
Westgate Baptist Church Tampa FL

Westgate Baptist Church Tampa FL required a parking lot lighting solution that their budget allowed. Pastor Pirt believed improving safety and security of their campus was a cost prohibitive issue. On investigation the cost to upgrade their parking lots with grid powered lighting was simply out of their reach.

After contacting vootu – the energy saving group, Dave Watson, CEO recommended Solar powered LED parking lot lights, these required no expensive grid power to operate, just FREE Solar Energy.

An initial 8 lighting poles were erected by the Churches enthusiastic helpers to prove the concept that LED solar street lights would provide sufficient illumination. The results were impressive, everyone was initially very surprised by the amount of light provided by the vootu 50 watt LED Solar Parking lot lights.

A decision to move forward and install Solar powered parking lot lighting to the entire campus was quickly made. Vootu supplied the energy efficient lighting solution and Westgate Baptist Church Tampa FL, supplied the enthusiastic labor force required to cost effectively  install the entire lighting system, vootu project managed the complete installation.

LED lWestgate Baptist Church Tampa FL Solar LED Lightingighting continues to advance and has now proven to be easily powered by  FREE solar energy, stored onboard the fixture, in lithium ion batteries, for  continued overnight use. This technology now makes everyone’s energy costs even lower. Vootu provide cutting edge energy saving solution for not just lighting, but rather anything that is powered by electricity.

Westgate Baptist Church Tampa FL also followed the advice of vootu by installing vootu’s real time energy monitoring systems ( E-TRAQ) in both the School and Church buildings. Electricity waste can be eliminated if you can first identify where it is.

Westgate Baptist Church Tampa FL has demonstrated a commitment to lowering their energy usage and helping to reduce their Carbon footprint. Becoming a responsible steward of our environment does not mean increased expenditure, vootu’s energy saving programs guarantee a 20% annual reduction in energy usage without any increase in budgets.

Smart energy saving programs eliminate all needless energy waste and remain budget neutral.

Westgate Baptist Church Tampa FL has become a leader in creating an energy efficient environment within their campus. Future electricity costs will remain significantly lower than those who continue to overspend by wasting electricity.

Utilizing Solar powered energy efficient lighting solutions now offers even greater opportunities to illuminate those areas where previously no electricity supply was available.

Dave Watson commented that Vootu have upgraded many existing parking lots over the past decade, with their high efficiency LED solutions  producing saving typically 70% on electricity consumption. This is the first ,totally off grid and 100% Solar Powered Parking lot vootu has completed, its easy to see the future will not be connected to the electrical grid for long.