Even the government is telling us to STOP PROCRASTINATING and adopt energy efficient practices and products. The cost of delaying energy inefficiencies could be extraordinary. On average, 30 cents of every dollar that organizations spend on energy use in commercial buildings is wasted. Since inception, ENERGY STAR has shown impressive results: in 2010 Americans and businesses saved nearly $18 billion on utility bills. How much money is your organization wasting? THE TIME TO CHANGE THE WAY WE POWER OUR LIVES IS NOW!
1. Make money saving energy
To achieve the best results with the absolute lowest investment cost, you need the help of Energy Management professionals such as vootu. We can walk you through the process, explain in simple terms how you benefit and how we build your unique Energy Reduction Action Plan to show you the value this will deliver. Organizations can realize up to 40% annual energy reductions all without trade-offs in performance or comfort. This means increasing profits while saving the earth’s vital resources for generations to come. Why choose vootu?
2. The value of energy efficiency
According to the International Energy Agency, “The world can expect energy prices to continue their generally upward spiral in the years ahead if energy policies remain the same.” If you consider that statement for a moment, you can instantly recognize the value of energy efficiency. And the good news is that energy efficiency remains the single most cost-effective way to cut energy use, if done correctly. Commercial buildings, industrial facilities and schools just to name a few gain comfort, health and safety benefits from energy efficiency programs while saving on the cost of utilities, maintenance and system costs.
3. Standard operation procedure
So what do healthcare organizations, major league sports teams, colleges and universities, small businesses and entire cities recognize about energy efficiency? That educating their employees about standard operating efficiency procedures can achieve enormous annual energy savings through better energy management. This includes turning off lights, computers, monitors, printers and scanners when not needed.
4. Knowledge is power
According to the EPA, “Energy represents 30% of the variable costs and constitutes the single largest controllable operating cost.” Air conditioning, refrigeration, motors and LED Lighting can be optimized through Energy Monitoring Systems to achieve maximum savings. The most crucial part in reducing energy waste is to bring visibility to the problems. vootu has developed our Real Time Energy Monitors to solve the problem. It is the essential tool to make saving energy easier and more accurate by making hard to fathom costs visible, bringing a new dimension and insight into a once very secretive commodity. There’s truth in the statement, “you can’t manage what you can’t measure”. Once you have a clear picture of all the energy problems and inefficiencies within your facility, vootu has created our industry best range of energy saving technologies to optimize the main areas of inefficiencies. The main areas we focus our attention on are: power quality, lighting, HVAC, refrigeration and motor driven devices. HOW MANY OF THESE DO YOU HAVE?
5. Low-risk investment
If you think saving energy is an expense, think again. vootu can eliminate your risk by showing you how to create a self-funded solution. To create a successful no risk energy saving plan requires knowledge and expertise. vootu has decades of experience and a reputation for delivering exactly what we say… Put us to the test, we guarantee our savings!